Monday, March 30, 2009

Video Uploading Service

Video Uploading Service
Upload your videos and podcasts at the all new  This is an excellent way to promote your online business on Google.

Butch Hamilton-SEO
1-800-507-1945 EXT 5  How Do I Promote My Website?

What is the concept, and the genius behind  Listen to the message from the CEO and Founder of

Butch Hamilton-SEO
1-800-507-1945 EXT 5  How Do I Promote My Website?

Free Ads Online

If you follow the links above, and go back a couple of articles or so, you are going to be entertained, disheartened and disullsioned when you find out where old Wal-Mart is heading.  It would seem that they are now approaching yet another entity that will include free classified advertising.  Come on guys, do you really NEED all the business, or, are you simply driven by greed and power to the nth degree?
Myself, I choose to work on Google.  So far, we are relatively safe in this virgin territory.  The government has not yet chosen to stick its finger into our business here, and I am muchly appreciated for that.  But now, you have Wal-Mart entering into our territory.  This one simple step, will lead to another, and yet another.
So, what is your mission here, if you are a dedicated pioneer of the net on Google?  Education is your only hope of salvaging your online business.  If you are not totally up to speed, look out, becuase others will simply take your business from you, and laugh all the way to the bank.  Personally, I am not willing to stand idly by and let than happen.  I am daily researching, building a creating a new of links, linking and search engine optimization strategies that is second to none.  The reason that I do this is that I know full well, if I let down for only a moment, there are millions waiting to step right in and take my business over.
Free Ads Online Your Protection and Education are Waiting!
Butch Hamilton-SEO
1-800-507-1945 EXT 5
How Do I Promote My Website?  Click Here and Find Out!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Butch Hamilton-SEO
1-800-507-1945 EXT 5

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Veretekk Strategic SEO Marketing

In this article today, I am going to be going in-depth, on a current SEO campaign that I am working on.  In this article, you will see that I have incredible power on Google.  You will also learn, step by step, the process that I use to put together strategic marketing plans, how they work, the results that I obtain for them and more.  This article is targeted to people who have a vision in building a successful business of any type on Google.  This article is definitely NOT for people who have no money, no time and no desire to accomplish great things on the net.  So, put your feet up, grab a cup of coffee and a smoke, and let's get started on strategic marketing at its finest hour.

SEO Campaign Name:  Jewels by Park Lane
In this search engine optimized campaign, I set about the task of conducting keyword research using the Google keyword research tool.  This tool enabled me to look at, and decide exactly where I would place the Park Lane Jewelry on Google.  Remember, this is a strategic marketing plan.  I chose Park Lane because of their 50+ year success rate for women around the world, both in product and in compensation plans as well.  You have to have a viable business BEFORE you decide to spend your valuable time promoting it.  Park Lane Jewelry is definitely one to consider because of what they offer.

Step 1:  Domain Purchase
The next step, after considering my keywords, I went to my domain company, and began looking for keywords in the areas that I would be promoting.  I was looking for something keyword specific in the Park Lane Jewelry venue.  Bingo.  I found the perfect ones for my use.  Those domains are:
Now, you may be wondering why I chose my wife's name as a domain?  You see, its all about branding folks.  I want people to be able to not only type in Jewels by Park Lane on Google, but also to be able to search Debbie Hamilton, and have the results show.

Step 2:  Veretekk
Naturally, I am going to use Veretekk and their suite of SEO tools to accomplish my goals here.  I found the perfect Veretekk subdomain for my use:  This is another laser focused effort towards the category Jewels by Park Lane on Google.  Are you beginning to see the flow here?  This is called strategic marketing and thinking.  It is essential to put these pieces of the puzzle together in a harmonious SEO campaign that will survive and prosper for the years to come.

Step 3:  Blog setup
Naturally, I am going to host wordpress blogs.  I want to keep my information, therefore I choose to host my own WordPress blogs, so that I never have to be concerned about third party failure.  Simply putting up your information on public servers does NOT guarantee that your information will be lost in the blink of an eye.  In other words, you have to approach Google in a specific way in order to become successful.  This is precisely why I am the best in the SEO industry today.  I think like a Google spiderbot.

Step 5:  Press Release Service
Using a press release service, is absolutely the best way to announce your business to the readers of Google.  I prefer for this, as they have an amazing track record on the net.  Often times, press releases I write will float to the top of Google within 72 hours or less.  Press releases are the core of any SEO campaign that I put together for a client.

Step 6:  Writing
This is the core of my SEO business.  I write my content for more people, that you can even imagine.  My talent in writing has led me to the presence on Google called The Spider Writer, and for good reason.  I can post to more online services in an hour, than most people could post to in a year.  This is a fact folks, no leading statements will be made in this article, ONLY facts.

Results of the Park Lane Jewelry SEO Campaign:
Page One Google for Jewels by Park Lane in less than two actual days promoting time.  Enough said about the power of what I do, and what I can do for you and your business?

Now for the good part.  If you are broke, homeless and helpless, do NOT call me.  If you have no money, do NOT call me.  I am only looking for people with the cash in hand, that want to put me to work to grow their business.  I am not here to hand out my expertise and knowledge.  I only work for visionaries who have the money to place in a substantial SEO campaign for the high ROI online business.  The price for my SEO services begins at $15,000 for a 6 month campaign.  If you want to know what is covered for that money, then go to this site for a rundown:  Hamilton SEO

Face the facts here.  You do NOT know how to promote you business on Google.  I do.  You do NOT have the time, nor the inclination to figure this all out.  I do.  You are not willing to become educated in how to achieve what I know how to do.  I am.  The facts are clear.  If you are the CEO of your company, the you should learn the art of delegation.  Its what makes business and commerce run.  Become a professional today, and HIRE ME for your SEO consulting work.

Butch Hamilton-SEO
1-800-507-1945 EXT 5

How to Promote Your Jewels by Park Lane Business

If you follow the link above, you will find an amazing presentation on exactly how to market a Park Lane business, or any business for that matter.  Veretekk is the best way to gain branding rights for your name, and the name of your business.  In other words, as good as Park Lane jewelry is in the network marketing industry, if you are not telling people and showing people the benefits and solutions of your business, then basically, what good is it?
Personally, I am very serious about marketing my business on Google.  There is no more powerful way to place your business opportunity in front of the readers of Google, than with a Veretekk Internet Marketing System.  You could certainly call Veretekk an Automated Marketing System.  Now this does NOT mean that you can build an online business with no effort.  BUT, you will have access to unequalled promoting power, like you have never had before.
I suggest that you look very seriously at Jewels by Park Lane.  You will discover, as I have done, there are many reasons to join, and build a lucrative work from home business.  Look, you cannot just join any business and expect to reap generous rewards.  You must arrange your thinking towards ultimate success.  You must have the right type of business, and follow that up with the right kind of Education Marketing techniques, to ever be able to market effectively on the net.
Debbie Hamilton-Senior Division Manager Park Lane Jewelry

Saturday, March 21, 2009

My Life (Hacker Alert!)

There is a system on Google right now that is hacking blogs and posting unsolicited invitatations to join something called MY LIFE.  Just wanted to let everyone know that I am NOT posting this information.
As you well know, blogging is part of my process in search engine optimization.  This MY LIFE hack system is making posts, that look like they come from me, but obviously they are not.  I am going to report this organization to Google ASAP, and I will get to the bottom of this organization.
So, for now, just know that I am NOT posting this information.

Butch Hamilton-SEO
1-800-507-1945 EXT 5

Friday, March 20, 2009

Good Morning!

Just a reminder
I will be in my conference room this morning from 9-6 CST
Login to your backoffice...let's talk about your objectives...
Butch Hamilton-SEO
1-800-507-1945 EXT 5

Last Chance to Accept Butch Hamilton's Invitation

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You can stop receiving follow-up invitations by clicking here.

For assistance, please refer to our FAQ or Contact Us.
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Copyright © 2009, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Are You Financially Better Off Now?

Are you better off now financially, than you were 5 years ago?

Most people can answer that question, NO! People have lost huge sums of their hard earned money through the actions of the financial institutions. It doesn't have to be that way! Going forward into the future you now have access to a financial simulator that will enable you to project into the future and see if you are efficient or not. You are able to see if you are going to lose financially and fix it before it happens. No longer do you have to live through financial mistakes you can see them before they occur.

It is kind of like a "Financial Crystal Ball" where you are able to project into the future and see the flaws then fix them. We have been using financial simulators for years with our clients and now are offering it to people on a first come first serve basis. If you want to learn about economic simulation I want to invite you to a Money Tele Seminar where you can  hear first hand how this process works. Go to and sign up.

You will learn about financial language, and how to make sure that you are not falling prey to the financial institutions and their representatives. You will learn how to see the future before it happens. None of our clients, who are doing what we tell them to do, lost any money during the recent economic downturn nor should you either.

You will want to register ASAP since the spaces will fill up quickly. We will have a huge demand so act soon. Also sign up for our "Money Talk Newsletter" and get current information as we release it. By going to the site you will be able to download our "4Laws of the Financial Institutions" course for free.

Thanks for reading

Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Advisor

PS. I realize this is kind of Star Wars but you will really benefit by going to and listening to the information on the website. Also sign up for the free Money Talk Newsletter and stay current on information that the financial institutions, financial planners, and most accountants will never tell you.

Dr. Raymond Jewell
Skype: rbjewell

Monday, March 16, 2009

SEO Forum

If you are currently marketing goods and services on Google, you would be well advised to visit my SEO forum.  I give good information on how to market successfully on the Internet throughout this power packed forum.
Articles, insights, perspectives and realtime information about search engine optimization, search engine marketing, building effective websites for Google promoting and much more can be found at this SEO forum.

Butch Hamilton-SEO
1-800-507-1945 EXT 5

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Web Conferencing

Web Conferencing Excellence

Looking for a powerful, easy to use online VoIP web conference system? Well, you've come to the right place! The VereConference system has been specifically designed to meet the needs of major corporations all the way to home based businesses - regardless of what your product is, or what you are promoting. VereConference is a reliable, no nonsense, easy-to-use, 100% web based conferencing service.
With all the technology that's available today, it's frustrating to continually be disappointed by one VoIP system after another. Most simply don't deliver, or else lack the critical features required to ensure your business will be successful. Others have a quality product, but charge an arm and a leg to use it. VereConference is the best of both worlds: a superior high-end VoIP system that you can use to amplify your success on Google for pennies per day.

Read More Here:

Butch Hamilton-SEO
1-806-874-3314  OR  1-806-223-0014

Education Marketing

Education Marketing
I trust, that even if you are a Silver Veretekk subscriber, you have fallen short of your goals with Veretekk at some point.  Hey, no problem.  I know that if you are still in the process of marketing goods and services on Google, that you know that Veretekk should be part of your daily marketing.
The fact is that most people find Veretekk confusing, overwhelming, and quite frankly, just don't get it.
That is the purpose of my article today.  I want to let you know that I am here to assist you in your online pursuit.
As you probably know, Veretekk is my core reason for finding success in the search engine optimization business.  I have literally spent years in the process of building that business, and I have done quite well.  I also realize that education marketing should be at the center of what you are doing here.  You should never pitch your latest and greatest widget, but should become more professional in your approach.
Here is the bottom line guys.  If you truly want to unlock the Google code, and become a serious player in whatever business that you are pursuing, I am willing to help you.
My requirements for you to set are simple and direct.
1.  You upgrade your system to the Gold level immediately.  This is imperative that youaccomplish this as I will only help those who
     are serious about building a business.
2.  You are teachable and willing to work towards your goals at least one hour per day.  This is the only way that you will be able to achieve youir dreams.
3.  You are willing to leave your ego aside, and realize that you do not have all the answers.  You become an open vessel for knowledge and learning, AND, you are willing to set in motion these techiques that I am willing to teach you.
4.  You decide here and now that you are going to take a professional approach to your business, and not be willing to sacrifice integrity, just for the sake of making money online.
5.  That you decide to come to my special training sessions, and allow me to teach you the fine art of search engine optimization, search engine marketing, building effective websites for Google promoting, writing effective autoresponders, and learn exactly how to use each and every system that is available to you within Veretekk.
See, I told you that my requirements for assisting you were simple and direct.
Ready to make a change for the better, and become educated in marketing?
Fill out my contact form, and let me know that you are ready, willing and able to make this committment.  I will call you and get you started off correctly.  After that, I will set aside one hour per week, in my Vereconference room, a training only for my Veretekk team.
Fill out my contact form here, and let me know your decision.
Butch Hamilton-Master SEO Trainer Veretekk
1-806-874-3314  OR  1-806-223-0014
I am listed on the Veretekk training calendar each and every Saturday evening @ 6PM.  You are welcome to attend my SEO Boot Camp Training.  Hey, login and find out what is going on.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Money Talks, and Financial Losses Speak Louder Than Words!

 Have you signed up for the "Wealth Recovery" Tele Seminar yet?

Just to give you some insight into how massive the project is we will process over 10,000 attendees this year so you will want to get registered ASAP. 

Why is it in such a great demand? People are struggling financially and have seen the financial institutions erode away huge blocks of their savings and wealth. Homes have lost value, retirement funds have lost value and many people don't know where to turn. There is a lot of uncertainty with many looking for a better way to go forward in the future and not run the risk of losing financially again. 

At we have the information and will share it with you and everyone else who is tired of listening to the financial people put them in strategies and programs that cause them to lose. This teleseminar will give you a future road map to win no matter what happens. Our clients, who have followed what we have told them, did not lose in the downturns. 

Giving you a preview, one of the answers that you will hear about is building an economic simulator to see the future before it happens and correct the mistakes that might occur. If you have no mistakes then you will have concrete, verifiable, proof that you are doing it right. If you are not you will know it before you live it. By the way don't let the word Economic Simulator throw you off, it just means to see it financially first before it happens. 

Sign up early and guarantee your seating. Some will be turned away and will have to wait until the seminar. When you go to the sign up page you will also receive a tuition discount so go there now, we don't know how long the discount will be made available. 

See you at the TeleSeminar.

Thanks for reading

Dr. Raymond Jewell, Business Economist


Dr. Raymond Jewell 
Skype: rbjewell

Monday, March 9, 2009

Money Talks Newsletter

Are Financial Loses Recoverable?

Today I want to point out that the many people who have lost huge sums of money to the financial institutions and financial markets, will never recover these dollars again. The losses are gone! Many financial planners and financial institutions are telling people that if they stay put they will get their losses back. Never in a million years will that happen!

Here is why. A loss is always a loss, that will haunt you until you die. Whenever you lose any money you lose the entitlement of those dollars forever. You will lose the ability to derive growth from the dollars for the rest of your life. Just look at it this way, if you had $100 in the market and the market dropped to $50, you lost $50, correct? If in a few years the market returns the $50 back and you are back at $100, you should have had $150. You lost $50 and will never get it back, it is gone forever. 

No matter what you do you will always have the loss, and further to compound the problem you will lose the growth on the loss forever. So when anyone tells you that you will recover your loss they are wrong. But this is another piece of the miss-information that the financial people and the financial industry put out, expecting the public to not pay attention and take the information as fact. 

Our MoneyTeleSeminars give you basics to know how to understand the real truth. If you want to be able to know how to win in these current economic turbulent times than you will want to come to our "Wealth Recover" Teleseminar. We are processing 10,000 people in 2009 so you will want to get registered ASAP and guarantee your place. With the economy in the position it is, many are looking for ways of becoming more efficient so don't wait. 

Thanks for reading,

Dr. Raymond Jewell, Senior Economist

Dr. Raymond Jewell
Skype: rbjewell

Join Butch Hamilton's Veretekk Team

If you are wanting to join the most powerful Internet marketing system in the world, you need the best mentor and leader to provide you valuable information on just how to approach the search engine spider of Google for maximum results.

Butch Hamilton is a Master SEO Trainer for Veretekk, and has spent countless hours mentoring and training the Veretekk members towards their ultimate goal of having Internet success.  He has now moved into a more focused area and makes a new announcement that he is willing to train and mentor anyone, and everyone, who wishes to join Veretekk at the Gold Level, in the art and science of SEO.

Learn more by filling out the form located here

The requirements are as follows.

1.  Be willing to become educated in the Vereconference room on a weekly basis.

2.  Upgrade to the Gold Veretekk level immediately in order to access all the SEO tools.

3.  Be willing to follow instructions to the letter

4.  Be willing to accomplish the tasks needed to gain search engine recognition on Google

5.  Be fully committed to teaching others in the manner that you have been taught

6.  Decide here and now to make Veretekk your primary business.

These simple, yet very important requirements are represented here for a reason.  Dedication, committment and determination will be necessary as no quick answers to marketing are available from anywhere, at any price.   Fill out the form above and Butch Hamilton will contact you as soon as he can.

Butch Hamilton-Master SEO Trainer Veretekk
1-806-874-3314  OR  1-806-223-0014

Veretekk SEO Services

Veretekk SEO Services include a full suite of the most powerful search engine optimization and search engine marketing tools found on Google today.  View a few of the tools, and signup for any, or all of the systems, to amplify your success on the Internet.
Feeds for Veretekk [Veretekk, Veretekk SEO Tools, Veretekk Search Engine Optimization, Veretekk Lead Generation, Veretekk Google Tools]

Free Site Builders

Build a Free Site, Build a Free Website, How to Build a Free Site, Build a Free Site on Google

Free Site Builder

Free Site Builder, Free Website Builder, Build a Free Site, Build a Free Website

Veretekk Worldwide

Veretekk Worldwide, Global Automated Marketing at the Speed of Thought, Global Marketing with Veretekk, How to Market Globally with Veretekk Veretekk Worldwide

4. Veretekk

Veretekk on Google


5. Veretekk Training

Veretekk Training, Veretekk Newsletter, Veretekk SEO Training, Veretekk SEO Training by Buitch Hamilton

Veretekk SEO Training

Find my training sessions for Veretekk located here. Also view the archives for recorded Veretekk trainings.

How to Post Free Classified Ads

How to post free classified ads, posting free classified ads, free classified ads, free classified advertising, 1-Family free classified ads

SEO Training by Butch Hamilton-Master SEO Trainer Veretekk

Butch Hamilton, Master SEO Trainer for Veretekk Trains Individuals and Groups in SEO

Mr. Butch Hamilton, the highly regarded SEO Master, spends his valuable time in training and mentoring individuals involved in the Veretekk Automated Marketing System, in the art and science of top level search engine optimization and search market..


PRLog (Press Release)

Mar 03, 2009

Amarillo, TX

Top level SEO/SEM training is available to any member within the Veretekk automated marketing system. These training sessions are conducted within the web conferencing environment known as Vereconference. Mr. Hamilton conducts his highly motivational SEO training each Saturday evening at 6 PM PST.

To have free access to these valuable training sessions, one must become a member of Veretekk. The signup process is simple and seamless by following this link: Once the inbox is checked and verified, the Veretekk office will be logged into, and the section called Veretraining will be accessed. By following the training calendar, one will have access to all the Veretekk training sessions.

To learn more about the valuable SEO training sessions, contact Butch Hamilton below.

Butch Hamilton-Master SEO Trainer Veretekk

1-806-874-3314 OR 1-806-223-0014

Butch Hamilton, the well known SEO Master, and Master SEO Trainer for Veretekk, spends his valuable time training anyone involved in the Veretekk System, in the art and science of search engine optimization and marketing. One must become a member to...

Inside Veretekk:

Issued By : Butch Hamilton-Master SEO Trainer Veretekk

Contact Email :

Country : United States

Categories : Business, Education, Internet

Tags : butch hamilton-seo master, butch hamilton-master seo trainer veretekk, veretekk, automated marketing

Shortcut :

Take Note: To have access to all the Veretekk features available, it is necessary to upgrade to the Gold Veretekk System Today!


Veretekk, Veretekk SEO Tools, Veretekk Search Engine Optimization, Veretekk Lead Genaration, Veretekk Matrix

Veretekk Policies

Read the policies and procedures concerning Veretekk.

Buying Domains

Buying domains is a good investment for future rewards. Premium domain names are an excellent way to increase your profit in marketing online.



Domain Names for Sale

Domain name registration and web hosting services.

13. is the leader in domains and hosting; however, rivals their services and products.

Domains for Sale

Domains for sale for the professional marketer on Google

Domains is a full service domain company. View this audio/video recording to learn more about this domain company, and why you should choose us to buy and host your professional storefront on Google.

Domain News

Consider your domain, as your professional appearance on the search engines of Google, Yahoo, MSN, WindowsLife and all the other major searches of the Internet. You should become very knowledgable in this area, and all the implications that are involved in marketing wisely and productively on the Internet. There is no substitute here for less than perfection. This is precisely the reason that you should attach yourself to an award winning domain and domain hosting company like The Domains News Report is designed to offer you benefits, solutions and insider perspectives in how to market positively on the net.

Butch Hamilton, noted SEO Master, owns and operates the esteemed domain hosting company called Within this professional domain organization, you will have access not only to premium domain names, but also an incredible amount of knowledge and information on exactly how to market online. This is unprecedented in the world of domain hosting. Most companies just sell you some obscure domain, and give you very little insider tips on how to use that domain to further your business presence.

Purchasing your domains from means that you will be receiving the very finest in .com, .net, .biz, .info, .us, .ca and other domain names from around the world. We offer all our product globally, to ensure that your business has the very best chance of being seen by traffic on Google. Empowering yourself or your corporation, with this level of service, is what we are commited to providing.


Read my domains blog for more insights, articles and perspectives into the world of domains and hosting. is the total package for online entrepreneurs. We are totally dedicated to the professional online marketer with 99.3% uptime on all domain sites built using our service.

Domain Domains Hosting Newsletter

Signup today for my domains hosting newsletter. Within this news report on domains, you will find insider secrets to choosing and utilizing a domain name.

Domain Newsletter

Signup for the domain newsletter by Butch Hamilton, The Wildcat SEO Master. In this domain and hosting newsletter, you will learn insider secrets to purchasing, and then utilizing fully your domain name.

How to Become a Domain Reseller

Click on the link provided to know more about becoming a certified domain reseller from We have any size domain reseller account that you need. Signup for this domain reseller newsetter to learn more.

Domains RSS Feed

If youi are searching on Google for a great RSS feed, be sure to include RSS feed to your Google reader. Here, will find constantly changing content for your site.

Domains and Hosting is dedicated and commited to providing you with top level domains, domain names, domain registry and any services associated with the domain industry.

Wildcat Domains

Wildcat domains is a full service domain registry service and domain hosting service as well. Under the subsidiary name, we srive hard to serve the domain and hosting needs of the professional online entrepreneur. is constantly upgrading servers and services to accomodate the ever increaing domain name industry for its clients.

It is a well known fact that is the best domain company in the industry. Fully licensed and backed up by a quality support team which is on call 24/7 by phone, Wildcat Domains is here to serve your needs on domains, domain names, domain hosting, pop3 email accounts, SSL security certificates, virtual servers, dedicated servers and much more.

Literally any domain and hosting needs that you may have will be found at



Wildcat Domains Offering Domain Discounts on Multiple Purchases

Domains are the critical element that every online business requires. Choosing wisely, and carefully, bot the domain, and the domain company, assures maximum results on Google.


PRLog (Press Release) – Jan 13, 2009 – TX

The most important element in website promoting is the domain name. It should be carefully chosen using proven keyword selection. Choosing the right domain and hosting company, is the second element to consider. The domain company can literally make, or break, the success on Google. It is important to choose an established leader in domains and hosting, to assure maximum uptimes for websites and to allow for phone support from any location in the world, in case issues with the domain and hosting should arise. is that type of established leader in domain names and hosting plans. The customer support staff at is on call 24/7 to adequately solve any issues that should arise. Their guarantee of 99% uptime on websites constructed make their services an even greater value.

Benefits of are far ranging. Multiple domain purchases can now be made to save even more money on the popular .com, .net, .biz, .us, .ws and all other of the most popular domain names possible. WildWest Domains assures that any, and all domains are available for purchae any time of the day or night, and for anyone across the globe considering choosing the right domain for the job.

A domain name is the storefront of any business on Google. It is important to build, NOT redirect, a domain for maximum effectiveness on the search engines. A concise domain newsletter also comes, at no additional charge, for learning all about the art and science of choosing the right domain, and building an effective website for promoting. This element makes the difference in all the other hosting companies online. No other domain company offers this type of support, training and mentoring in the art and science of search engine optimization, search engine marketing and building a professional appearance for the storefront on all the major search engines.

To subscribe to this newsletter, go to:

Having access to this type of valuable information, and using the tips and techniques to maximum advantage in promoting online, will make the difference in success, or no success.

Domains purchased from are top level domain names, and backed by 24/7 phone support. Your domain name is critical to your Google profile. Go with a proven domain name leader.

Visit Press Room -

Issued By : Butch Hamilton-The Wildcat SEO Master
Contact Email :
Country : United States
Categories : Business, Internet
Tags : Domains, Domain, Domain Hosting, Domain Names, Domain Registrar, Pop3 Email, Hosting, Free Hosting
Shortcut :

Domains Domain Hosting

Domains Domain Hosting

Domain Reseller

Domain Reseller

Domains Newsletters






Premium Domains Investment Potential

Domain News Reports Sales Increase for Premium Domains

Domain and hosting is a multi-billion dollar industry. The resurgence of marketing online goods and services is evidence of the growing number of domains and hosting accounts being purchased worldwide.


PRLog (Press Release) – Dec 01, 2008 – TX

In the current economy, people are searching for new businesses to become involved with on the Internet. This is being seen in the network marketing and multilevel marketing businesses cropping up across Google at a very steady rate. The need for domains and hosting, to be used for promoting those goods and services online is at an all time high. People are now seeing the value of not only buying domains, but holding those domains for longer lengths of time.

It is a well known fact that many domainers (domain buyers for premium domains) stand to profit from domain names. Powerful domains that have gone through the aging process, are seen as income producers that increase in value with time. These people often will spend tens of thousands of dollars for premium domains, and be able later to resell those domains at a substantial gain. offers these top level domains for sale. Most domains are held in a pool, once the domain name has expired. At some point in time, usually within 90 days, these domains go on the auction block to the highest bidder. is one of the leaders in domains and domain hosting, and offers substantial savings to domainers, looking to improve ROI (return on investment) in buying top quality aged domains.

COMS and .NETS are among the biggest sellers at Often these premium domains can be purchased at substantial savings, allowing domain investors the ability to make more money over time.

To see the top level premium domains for sale, simply view this site:

The way to view the premium domains for sale is to pick particularly high traffic keyword phrases and place into the search box. Once located, these premium domains can be purchased via PayPal, or major credit cards of any type. Domainers see the true value in terms of revenue from choosing Purchasing premium domains is a sound investment, particularly now, with the current economic down trend, and the fact of more and more people coming to Google to make money.

For more Domain News Report Articles, Visit:

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Domains purchased from are top level domain names, and backed by 24/7 phone support. Your domain name is critical to your Google profile. Go with a proven domain name leader.

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Issued By : Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Certified Domain Seller
Email : Click to contact author
Country : United States
Categories : Advertising, Business, Internet
Tags : Domain, Domains, Domain News Report, Domain News, Domains-free-hostingcom, Domainers
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How to Buy a Domain

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-IGSDT

Consider your domain, as your professional appearance on the search engines of Google, Yahoo, MSN, WindowsLife and all the other major searches of the Internet. You should become very knowledgable in this area, and all the implications that are involved in marketing wisely and productively on the Internet. There is no substitute here for less than perfection. This is precisely the reason that you should attach yourself to an award winning domain and domain hosting company like The Domains News Report is designed to offer you benefits, solutions and insider perspectives in how to market positively on the net.

Butch Hamilton, noted SEO Master, owns and operates the esteemed domain hosting company called Within this professional domain organization, you will have access not only to premium domain names, but also an incredible amount of knowledge and information on exactly how to market online. This is unprecedented in the world of domain hosting. Most companies just sell you some obscure domain, and give you very little insider tips on how to use that domain to further your business presence.

Purchasing your domains from means that you will be receiving the very finest in .com, .net, .biz, .info, .us, .ca and other domain names from around the world. We offer all our product globally, to ensure that your business has the very best chance of being seen by traffic on Google. Empowering yourself or your corporation, with this level of service, is what we are commited to providing.

Read More:

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-IGSDT
1-806-874-3314 Get IT?

Domains and Free Hosting

Domains and Free Hosting, Domains, Domains for Sale, Domain Names for Sale, How to Buy a Domain, Buying a Domain

Domains and Free Hosting

Domains Free Hosting Rewards Customer Loyalty is the professional domain and hosting company owned and operated by Butch Hamilton, celebrated SEO Master. It is the goal of to provide top level service in all areas of domain and hosting.


PRLog (Press Release - )

Nov 23, 2008


Domain resellers come and go quickly in the domain hosting business. Just being an affiliate for a domain company does not make one an expert in the field. Butch Hamilton, noted SEO Master, is committed to providing supreme customer service and rewards each domain client with percs that make the online promoting process that much better and simpler.

Butch Hamilton knows that marketing on Google is a labor intensive task. One must be equipped with the best tools in order to see the success come forth in marketing goods and services. is the example of that extra touch of service and quality.

Full phone support on domains, hosting, pop3 email accounts, SSL security certificates, virtual servers and dedicated servers, are provided to each customer choosing to do business with the very best. Unlike, provides free website tonight hosting and free pop3 email accounts for each domain purchased. The competitive edge in providing these types of services is seen as the client list grows daily for even provides the added benefits of frequently published newsletters that cover all the areas of Internet Marketing, that one can use to the full advantage when marketing on Google, Yahoo, MSN, Yahoo and all the other major search engines.

Find the free newsletters here:

All this information comes free of charge and is of tremendous value to online marketers seeking to build professional and substantial online business presence for their name and their opportunity being provided. This added benefit can be given by no other domain resellers, as they lack this type of information. This is simply one more reason to choose to become part of the domain and hosting company.

Striving for excellence in domains and hosting, Mr. Hamilton is fully committed to the task at hand, and stays up to date on the changing trends found in the domain market. Premium domains are constantly being added to, and domain purchasers are rewarded in price breaks for multiple domain registration.

There is no reason to sacrifice quality and service in choosing a domain and hosting company. Purchasing with a proven leader in the domain business for years. stays in touch with the customers in order to find out their needs and desires. New services are consistently being added to make the domain purchasing process even more seamless.

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Domains purchased from are top level domain names, and backed by 24/7 phone support. Your domain name is critical to your Google profile. Go with a proven domain name leader.

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Issued By : Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Certified Domain Seller
Email : Click to contact author
Country : United States
Categories : Business, Internet, Technology
Tags : Domain, Domains, Domain Hosting, Domains-free-hosting, Butch Hamilton-seo Master-certified Domain Seller
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Domains and Domain Hosting


Your Domain is your Storefront on Google. Why trust your professional appearance on the search engines, to just another domain hosting company? provides you with all the domains, and domain tools that you need to become successful..
Hi, my name is Butch Hamilton-SEO Master and I am the best SEO expert working Google today. You want to know why? I also own one of the up and coming domain hosting companies as well. Read this article, and click on the associated links to find out how to buy your domains from a professional organization, that is geared to your success.

Veretekk is the most powerful online lead generation and automated marketing system in existence. It can be configured to promote any business opportunity you want. I use the system to promote my primary business - Domains. I'd like to personally invite you to join me as part of my team in that business. Utilizing the vast array of tools available through Veretekk you'll have the ability to achieve incredible success as we work together to build a substantial ongoing stream of revenue. If you already have a business that you are promoting, that's great (but I'm sure you'd also be interested in an additional revenue stream!) If you're not currently promoting a particular business or just haven't been able to make the kind of money you want to with the business you are promoting, you need to take a look at Domains right now!

CLICK HERE for more information on Domains!

Separating the "Good Opportunities" from the "Great Opportunities"

Let's face it. There are probably a lot of "good" business opportunities out there today. But what turns a good opportunity into a truly incredible opportunity? When you're considering joining a new business, there are 3 critical things you need to consider:

1) The Company, Product/Service, and Compensation Plan

The biggest mistake most people make is thinking that these ARE THE ONLY 3 THINGS to consider! Now, obviously each of these things are very important in evaluating a new business opportunity. However, they really all fall into category 1. These are pretty common sense topics. You should thoroughly research the company. Is it stable? Has it been around for a long time or is it a start up? Is it regulated by any official government or organization? Are you able to actually contact them? etc, etc, etc. The product/service is also very important. If it does not offer real value to customers then there is no point in continuing. Finally, the compensation plan should be strong. Does it reward you for building a deep organization? ...or just for people you sign up yourself? Can you easily use a downline building strategy to leverage the maximum payout? Will your downline be able to duplicate this?

While a thorough evaluation of the Company, Product/Service, and Compensation Plan is very important, it will not help you to differentiate the good opportunities from the great ones! There are plenty of good companies with quality products/services and strong compensation plans out there. So what!?! It doesn't mean you will be successful promoting them... or that your downline will be able to duplicate the result! Want to know the secret that turns good deals into great ones? Read on...

2) The Marketing System, Never ending Quality Leads

The number one reason people fail in a new business is NOT because the company, product, or compensation plan is bad... they fail because they eventually run out of people to talk to about the business! They run out high quality, premium leads... and their downline does to! This is the classic situation that over 90% of people who join a good business opportunity end up facing! (Yes, that's right... over 90% of people who join any business fail - regardless of how good the opportunity is!)

So how do you tip the scales to your advantage? Simple - it's all about the marketing system! Imagine having a powerful marketing machine, complete with all the tools you and your downline need to explode your business! Imagine having a never ending stream of high quality, premium leads to expose your business to! Leads so good... many of them actually call you before you have a chance to call them!!!

That is exactly what I have to offer you with Veretekk. This system will allow you to fill your pipeline of prospects indefinitely! You will never run out of people to market to. I will personally do everything I can to assist you with the system and growing our business together. But, even if I am tied up you and your entire downline have access to live hands-on training from professional marketers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! These are people literally standing by to help teach you and your downline how to use this incredible marketing tool!

Now that's how you turn a good opportunity into a GREAT one! The secret is in the system!!!

3) Upline Leadership and Support

Finally, even if you have found a great company, product/service, and compensation plan... and have tapped into the Veretekk system to ensure you and your downline have an endless stream of high-end leads and powerful marketing tools, the thing that will really push your business past the tipping point is strong upline leadership and support. By using this system you will experience upline support like never before! In addition to live Veretekk training sessions, we have all the tools available to allow for hands-on assistance from serious marketing pro's virtually every day of the week!

You can contact me at any time:

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master
PO Box 27
Clarendon, TX 79226 United States
Phone: 1-806-874-3314
CLICK HERE for more information on Domains!

So how does Veretekk really work?

It's actually very simple. It's all about relationships.
Veretekk is designed to allow you to develop a powerful sphere of influence through a series of simple "point and click" activities. You do NOT buy leads with Veretekk. The system develops them for you by allowing you to establish real, meaningful relationships with other people. The leads you develop through your Veretekk system will be the best quality leads you have ever seen! These are people who will actually know who you are when you call them... many of them will actually be awaiting your call! Better yet, over time many of them will actually start calling you before you!

Veretekk works by allowing you to provide other people with REAL VALUE to help THEM.
The system comes with a wide range of "Traffic Portals" which are designed to be extremely compelling to each visitor and offer them unique value. Your Veretekk Silver system gives you access to a very limited number of these Traffic Portals. By upgrading to Veretekk Gold you'll have access to the entire suite of portals.

So Welcome Aboard!
I can't tell you how happy I am to share this unbelievable system with you! Take your time and feel free to explore. Make sure you get on the live training sessions! (Very important!) And of course, take a few minutes to check out Domains!

CLICK HERE for more information on Domains!

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Certified Domain Reseller

Interested in learning how to promote your business, the way that I know how on Google? Hey, pickup a FREE Veretekk System here:


Are you ready for your "Unfair Domains Free Hosting Advantage?"

That's what Veretekk is all about.
Hi, my name is Butch Hamilton-SEO Master. Veretekk is the most powerful online lead generation and automated marketing system in existence. It can be configured to promote any business opportunity you want. I use the system to promote my primary business - Domains. I'd like to personally invite you to join me as part of my team in that business. Utilizing the vast array of tools available through Veretekk you'll have the ability to achieve incredible success as we work together to build a substantial ongoing stream of revenue. If you already have a business that you are promoting, that's great (but I'm sure you'd also be interested in an additional revenue stream!) If you're not currently promoting a particular business or just haven't been able to make the kind of money you want to with the business you are promoting, you need to take a look at Domains right now!

CLICK HERE for more information on Domains!

Separating the "Good Opportunities" from the "Great Opportunities"

Let's face it. There are probably a lot of "good" business opportunities out there today. But what turns a good opportunity into a truly incredible opportunity? When you're considering joining a new business, there are 3 critical things you need to consider:

1) The Company, Product/Service, and Compensation Plan

The biggest mistake most people make is thinking that these ARE THE ONLY 3 THINGS to consider! Now, obviously each of these things are very important in evaluating a new business opportunity. However, they really all fall into category 1. These are pretty common sense topics. You should thoroughly research the company. Is it stable? Has it been around for a long time or is it a start up? Is it regulated by any official government or organization? Are you able to actually contact them? etc, etc, etc. The product/service is also very important. If it does not offer real value to customers then there is no point in continuing. Finally, the compensation plan should be strong. Does it reward you for building a deep organization? ...or just for people you sign up yourself? Can you easily use a downline building strategy to leverage the maximum payout? Will your downline be able to duplicate this?

While a thorough evaluation of the Company, Product/Service, and Compensation Plan is very important, it will not help you to differentiate the good opportunities from the great ones! There are plenty of good companies with quality products/services and strong compensation plans out there. So what!?! It doesn't mean you will be successful promoting them... or that your downline will be able to duplicate the result! Want to know the secret that turns good deals into great ones? Read on...

2) The Marketing System, Never ending Quality Leads

The number one reason people fail in a new business is NOT because the company, product, or compensation plan is bad... they fail because they eventually run out of people to talk to about the business! They run out high quality, premium leads... and their downline does to! This is the classic situation that over 90% of people who join a good business opportunity end up facing! (Yes, that's right... over 90% of people who join any business fail - regardless of how good the opportunity is!)

So how do you tip the scales to your advantage? Simple - it's all about the marketing system! Imagine having a powerful marketing machine, complete with all the tools you and your downline need to explode your business! Imagine having a never ending stream of high quality, premium leads to expose your business to! Leads so good... many of them actually call you before you have a chance to call them!!!

That is exactly what I have to offer you with Veretekk. This system will allow you to fill your pipeline of prospects indefinitely! You will never run out of people to market to. I will personally do everything I can to assist you with the system and growing our business together. But, even if I am tied up you and your entire downline have access to live hands-on training from professional marketers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! These are people literally standing by to help teach you and your downline how to use this incredible marketing tool!

Now that's how you turn a good opportunity into a GREAT one! The secret is in the system!!!

3) Upline Leadership and Support

Finally, even if you have found a great company, product/service, and compensation plan... and have tapped into the Veretekk system to ensure you and your downline have an endless stream of high-end leads and powerful marketing tools, the thing that will really push your business past the tipping point is strong upline leadership and support. By using this system you will experience upline support like never before! In addition to live Veretekk training sessions, we have all the tools available to allow for hands-on assistance from serious marketing pro's virtually every day of the week!

You can contact me at any time:

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master
PO Box 27
Clarendon, TX 79226 United States
Phone: 806-874-3314
CLICK HERE for more information on Domains!

So how does Veretekk really work?

It's actually very simple. It's all about relationships.
Veretekk is designed to allow you to develop a powerful sphere of influence through a series of simple "point and click" activities. You do NOT buy leads with Veretekk. The system develops them for you by allowing you to establish real, meaningful relationships with other people. The leads you develop through your Veretekk system will be the best quality leads you have ever seen! These are people who will actually know who you are when you call them... many of them will actually be awaiting your call! Better yet, over time many of them will actually start calling you before you!

Veretekk works by allowing you to provide other people with REAL VALUE to help THEM.
The system comes with a wide range of "Traffic Portals" which are designed to be extremely compelling to each visitor and offer them unique value. Your Veretekk Silver system gives you access to a very limited number of these Traffic Portals. By upgrading to Veretekk Gold you'll have access to the entire suite of portals.

So Welcome Aboard!
I can't tell you how happy I am to share this unbelievable system with you! Take your time and feel free to explore. Make sure you get on the live training sessions! (Very important!) And of course, take a few minutes to check out Domains!

CLICK HERE for more information on Domains!

FREE Hosting

Domain Names for Sale

Start your domain name search here!

Check out our hot prices on .COM domains and other domain names -- from only $8.95* per year.

Domain Names for Sale includes:

com .info .net .org .us .biz .ws .at .be .cn .de .jobs .jp .nz .tw .uk

* Plus ICANN fee of 20 cents per domain name year. Certain TLD's only.
**Private Registration will renew at the regular renewal rate.

Free Services with Each Domain Purchased!

Photo Album
Quick Blogcast
Hosting with Web
site builder
Personalized Email Account
Starter Web Page
" For Sale "/ Parked Page
Domain Forwarding
Domain Masking
100-Pack Email Forwarding

Total DNS Control

Change of Registration

Status Alerts

Domain Locking

Learn More...

When you need the top level services of domain names purchasing and free domain hosting for your valuable store front websites, go with a proven leader:


In the domain and hosting business for years, top level domain names, pop3 email accounts, virtual servers, dedicated servers, free site building services, SSL security certificates and much more can be found.

Butch Hamilton-SEO Master

Domains and Domain Hosting

Domains are the most critical part of the professional business name. Thinking about it in these terms, than the domain name purchased, is a prime indicator of the success, or failure, that the marketer will have. The reason for choosing a proper and professional domain name is the fact that when the site is visited, a professional business appearance should be able to be seen.

Web surfers are a savvy group of people. When they visit a site, if that site is clean, crisp and appealing, then there is a chance that a sale can be made. Conversely, if the website looks like digital trash, then a click off from that site will happen.

Search engine spiders, the software that scans through Google and looks at various web presence, are geared to go for the professionalism as well. When a spider robot from Google initially hits the domain, it will begin to pick through the title, meta tag and the keywords. If all is in order and the web master has done his job properly, the indexing to a top position will occur.

Online marketers, as a general rule, are not highly sensitive to the importance of the domain name. They are likely to choose something that is cute or catchy, to grab the attention of the web user. This is not the approach to use at all, and one can tell just by the domain purchased, that they are just another person trying to sell their latest and greatest widget, rather than being seen as a valid presence on the Internet. is geared to the professional business organization, or individual, that is looking for top quality services provided for by a professional web hosting organization. While going to Go, the fact is that they will not provide all the features that a qualified domain reseller can provide. Bob Parsons, CEO of Go, talks about the significance of buying a professional domain name in his blog: called Hot Points. Who should know better, the art and science of domain selection, than the "King of Domains," Mr. Bob Parsons? This is an excellent site to bookmark for future reference in learning more about domains and domain hosting.

The website personifies the professionalism of website design that people choose to purchase their domains and hosting packages from. A few of the various services offered are seen below:

  • .com, .net, .biz, .info, .us, .org and all Domain Names are available for purchase.

  • Hosting plans starting as low as $3.95 per month are available.

  • Free Website Tonight Hosting for each domain purchased is available.

  • SSL Security Certificates range in price according to the degree of privacy and protection needed.

  • QuikBlog Accounts are available for domain, or subdomain names.

  • TrafficBlazer, for increased traffic driving to websites.

  • Virtual and Dedicated Servers available to allow the organization the prime level hosting for any high traffic business seen on Google today.

  • 99% up time on domains is guaranteed.

  • Full range of POP3 Email accounts designed for the professional business owner.

  • Literally any domain service imaginable is available here.

    For only the top level services provided for by professional online marketing for any type of business, can provide that level of service needed. There is no substituting quality hosting and domain purchasing to sub grade domain hosts. Going with a proven leader in the domain industry is essential to derive the very best in possibilities.

    Domains and FREE Email


    Top 10 Domain Registrars

    This is a list of the top ten domain registrars ranked in order according to the statistics compiled by Name Intelligence, Inc. Company names used in other rankings are also shown:

  • Go Daddy

  • eNom

  • Network Solutions

  • Tucows

  • (a.k.a. Melbourne IT)

  • (d.b.a. 1&1 Internet AG)

  • Wild West Domains (Part of Go Daddy)

  • Moniker Online Services


  • DomainDiscount24

    Domains and domain hosting in the nuts and bolts of the Internet. The key to effectively competing on the most powerful search engine on the planet, Google, is to choose wisely the proper domain, and the best hosting company available.

    Domain Name Registrar

    A domain name registrar is a company accredited by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and/or by a national ccTLD authority to register Internet domain names. These "retail" companies are often distinct from the "wholesale" domain name registry operator.

    The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, has authority over generic top-level domains, or gTLDs. Examples of gTLDs include .com, .net, .org and .mobi. ICANN does not have authority over ccTLDs, or Country Code Top-Level Domains, although it is quite common for domain name registrars to offer ccTLD registration services as well. Most registrars provide DNS hosting service, but this is not required, and is often considered a separate service.

    Domain Names: Commentaries

    Over the years in various countries alternative domain registries have been established to allocate domains under domain hierarchies (typically second-level domains) which compete with official gTLDs and ccTLDs.

    Independent Domain Registries are not accredited by ICANN. They get their name space from a gTLD or ccTLD registry by registering a domain which resembles an official hierarchy. An example of this would be to register UK.COM with Network solutions which would allow you to allocate domains like This domain resembles the equivalent issued by Nominet, eg,

    Most of the Independent Domain registries operate due to having a domain which starts with a ISO 3166-1 and then is in a gTLD hierarchy such as .COM

    One of the factors that has permitted these Independent Domain Registrues being established is that ccTLD registries in many countries are very restrictive and do not answer the needs of the market they are meant to serve. Some entrepreneur acquires a domain which looks suitable and then starts allocating domains for which it delegates authority, in the same way an official registry does.

    These registries will operate both the Registry and Registrar. In most cases they will use two companies to perform the Registry and Registrar function. The Registry will be a company which sole purpose will be to hold the data and the ownership of the top level domain. The Registrar will the company that is used for operations etc. The separation of the two gives protection to the domain registrants in such events that Registrar goes into bankruptcy, it is sued or what ever not to affect the continuity of the domains.


    What Is In a Domain Name?

    The domain name is the storefront for a business on Google. Thinking in those terms, its important to have an appealing and clean storefront, but more importantly, its necessary to have the elements needed in producing an adequate storefront to tell others about the business being promoted.

    The domain name is the most important element in promoting a site on Google. It all begins with the proper selection of that keyword chosen and then putting together in harmony and balance, the perfect marketing website in which to make sales.

    If the storefront is cluttered and unmanageable, then obviously people are not going to visit the store. It would be much the same case in real life. Would you walk into a store that was cluttered, unorganized and dirty? Of course not. This is exactly the same thinking that goes into building an appealing website for promoting on Google, Yahoo, MSN, WindowsLive and all the other major search engines.

    You obviously are drawn to clean, crisp content, that gets straight to the point in talking about the business being promoted. This is why should appeal to the professional online business professional.

    Purchasing domains is simple, easy and safe thanks to the 256-bit security on each purchase made at The site can usually be up and running very quickly, as this is vitally important to online marketing success.

    Visit today, and get involved with the top level domain and hosting company found on Google today.

    In answer to the question what is in a domain name? Your business demeanor and presence. Choose wisely your domain hosting company for maximum results.


    Domains with Free Hosting

    Domains Free Hosting

    Domains Free Hosting



  • Butch Hamilton-Master SEO Trainer Veretekk
    1-806-874-3314  OR  1-806-223-0014